Monday, August 09, 2010

Books I am reading...

I have always been passionate about the church engaging in a relevant way with people so they can effectively hear and see the Gospel. In other words, I have longed for a church that looks to see what God is doing, and seeks to join in. Or another way still, I am passionate that the church becomes passionate about mission & evangelism.

My recent sabbatical reconnected me with this deep longing & rediscovering the central and primal part the Eucharist plays in reconnecting the church with her modus operandi.

I thank Paul Walker for mentioning one of two recent reads on Facebook...

With all of that said, I have read much about how churches effectively & sustainably grow.

Two inspirational reads recently that deserve wider readership are:

1. 'Breaking the Missional Code' by Ed Stetzer & David Putman.
2. 'Transformational Church' bt Ed Stetzer & Thom S. Rainer.

They are an easy read & share good practise through theory & story. They are focussed on the US church, but the principals translate to the UK church without much difficulty.

Passionate about mission? Passionate about church growth? Passionate about incarnational & transformational ministry?

Buy, read & be inspired by the activity of the Missional God

1 comment:

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