Hi! Sorry I haven't posted for ages but this baby lark takes all the other time that I had to write this...!
Life as five is great and Peter is wonderful and loved very much by us all... We're adjusting well if not sleeping brilliantly but I guess that goes with the territory!
Had the last session of the Lent course last night which was really good. We watched and were deeply moved by 'Secrets and Lies' and spent some time last night talking very menaingfully about forgiveness and how hard and yet necessarry it is and how it is something that we can only truly give and receive if God is involved... We'll do more of these 'Reel Issues' sessions - they've been great...
As I write we are just on the cusp of Holy Week. A busy and emotional week lies ahead of us. I am leading 3 eucharists on Monday thru Wednesday and as yet I have no idea what I am supposed to be preaching about! I feel like something on trust and faith (and commitment) might be good. We'll see. For Good Friday I want to get under the skin of the emotion of what God was going through - as a father. Easter day, well, that'll be something on living the Christian life and commiting to that.
We had a great end of term service for the school in church. Gave a little address as is my wont, mentioned FtF and several people took info away with them which is really good.
I am just finishing 'The Kite Runner.' I didn't think too much of it when I started, but I have become really engrossed in the story - thanks Laura good call!
Well the new Archbishop of Sweden has been elected - Anders, previously of Vaxjo diocese. He is good news I think for the church certainly internationally. Must pray for him...
Good AGM - short. I used the sermon slot at the eucharists to shar a vision for HT. Appartently people were talking about it afterwards - esp. people who did not come to the AGM! Another good DCC elected though for which I am ever thankful...
UPDATE ON CYNTHIA - following her stroke she has now moved to Gossham;s End (sp?) The best place for her other than home poor love. What a year she has had - bless her. What faith and determination though too...
I get the sense from something that someone has said (ta A!)that people are in not ambivalent to FtF but are scared of relinquishing control to God... Hmmmm... maybe. Either way I think I need to make some time for some Q and A sessions perhaps as coffee mornings and in the context of worship too for some serious explaing to be done and for people to air their 'concerns.' Watch this space...
Well that's it for now - best clear up the tea things
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